[tlhIngan Hol] Reply for "Was he a moron or something ?"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Dec 3 07:25:37 PST 2018

I'm not qualified to debate Christian theology, let alone do it in 
Klingon, but I'll try to answer your questions. I don't necessarily 
subscribe to Christian theology, but if you want to understand Tolkien's 
big themes, you need to understand Christian themes.

On 12/3/2018 8:49 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> yIntaHvIS arda Humanpu', qorDu'mey chenmoH, puqpu' boghmoH.. 'a,
> tagha', bangpu'chaj lonnIS.. Heghmo', bangpu'chajvo' tlheDnIS.

latlh qo'Daq ghomqa'be' chay' 'e' DaSov? vogh ghomqa' Heghpu'bogh 
bangpu' 'e' luHarbej Arda DabwI'. Heghpu'DI' Beren, tlhejmeH Lúthien, 

> 'ej jIghel.. qatlh ? qatlh bangpu'chaj lonnIS ? illuvatar nobqoqmo' ?
> 'ej bangpu'chaj arda je lonpu'DI', nuqDaq lujaH ? Humanpu' ghoch
> 'otHa'ta''a' illuvatar ? ghobe' !
> 'ej qatlh Humanpu' ghoch 'otHa'Qo' Qunqoqvam ? yuDchu'mo'. valarpu'
> neH SaH Qunqoqvam.

Elf juHna' 'oH Arda'e'. naDev QI'tu'chaj tu'lu'. latlh qo'Daq Human 
QI'tu' tu'lu'. Heaven lupong Christian. SuchwI' chaH neH Human'e'.

QIj Christopher Tolkien:

    /boghwI' wa'DIch/, Elfpu'; /tlha'wI',/ loDpu', je chaH. Sanvam
    lughaj Elf: jub, qo' 'IH muSHa', qo' HachmoHmeH laHmeychaj lo': yep
    'ej pup, SIQtaHvIS qo' SIQtaH chaH, chaH mejmoHbe' Heghqoqchaj:
    chegh chaH — 'ach pawDI' tlha'wI'pu', ghojmoH Elfpu', Sach
    tlha'wI'pu' 'e' luchaw', QIt ngab Elfpu' SachtaHvIS tlha'wI'pu' 'ej
    yIn poQbogh Hoch luSuqtaHvIS tlha'wI'pu'. Sanvam, nobvam, lughaj
    Human: jubbe', tlhab, chaH Sevbe' qo' HeHmey. ... jubbe'ghach wIch
    QIjlu'be': Qun poymar 'oH. meq Sov pagh. «pegh Humanpu'vaD San
    nabpu'bogh Qun». Elfpu' SaQmoH jubbe'ghach 'ej lughal Elfpu'.

> pIH nuv motlh ! reH, jubwI' ghal jubbe'wi'. reH ! not qaSbe'laH wanI'vam. 

teHbe'. reHHa' jubwI' ghal jubbe'wI'. jubbe'wI' ghalbej wa'bIp ben 
jubwI'. Doy'moH yIn.

> SuStel:
>> Hoch Sov Ilúvatar
> HIja'; 'ach melkor chenmoHta', 'ej melkormo' bech qo' Hoch. 'a, qatlh
> qo' SaHnIS qeQvam (illuvatar) ? jub vaj bechlaHbe'..

    ghIq jatlh Ilúvatar: «HoSghaj Ainur, 'ej Melkor HoSghaj law' Hoch
    HoSghaj puS. 'ach ghaH Hoch Ainur je vIghuHmoH: Ilúvatar jIH. ta'raj
    boleghlaHmeH, bommey'e' bobompu'bogh vIcha'. 'ej Melkor, Hoch QoQ
    mung jIH 'e' Datlhoj; latlh QoQ Da'oghlaHbe' 'ej QoQ choHlaHbe' vay'
    jIneHbe'chugh. QoQ choH 'e' nIDchugh vay', Dochmey Dunqu' vI'oghmeH
    vayvetlh vIlo', 'ej Dochmeyvam jalbe'pu' vay'vetlh.

Ilúvatar nab'a' wIyajlaHbe'. DorDI' Arda poH, chaq yaj Hoch.

> SuStel:
>> qo''e' chenmoHpu'bogh Ilúvatar pupmoH qaSbogh Hoch
> vaj, qo' lupupmoHta''a' 'oy' bep je ? qo' lupupmoHta''a' QIH lot je ?

HIja'. 'oy' bep je tu'lu'be' net jalchugh, bel tu'lu'be' je. QIH lot je 
tu'lu'be' net jalchugh, Sub ngay' je tu'lu'be' je.


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