[tlhIngan Hol] Reply for "Was he a moron or something ?"

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 05:49:11 PST 2018

Accidentally, I erased in my inbox the original thread, so I'm
creating a new one, in order to reply. Thank qeylIS for the list
archives, where I found the messages of the original thread..

> HumanvaD nobHey 'oH Hegh'e' 'e' luHar elf.

maj. ghItlh silmarillion: Humanpu'vaD illuvatar nob 'oH Hegh'e'. 'ej
chaq, ngoDvam luHar je elfpu'..

'ach, vIt temlaH pagh: jub illuvatar; jub je elfpu'.. vaj mu'mey {nob
'oH Hegh'e'} jatlhlaH.. ngeD..

Hochlogh yInlaHchugh vay', chay' Hegh bamvIplaH vay' ?

yIntaHvIS arda Humanpu', qorDu'mey chenmoH, puqpu' boghmoH.. 'a,
tagha', bangpu'chaj lonnIS.. Heghmo', bangpu'chajvo' tlheDnIS.

'ej jIghel.. qatlh ? qatlh bangpu'chaj lonnIS ? illuvatar nobqoqmo' ?
'ej bangpu'chaj arda je lonpu'DI', nuqDaq lujaH ? Humanpu' ghoch
'otHa'ta''a' illuvatar ? ghobe' !

'ej qatlh Humanpu' ghoch 'otHa'Qo' Qunqoqvam ? yuDchu'mo'. valarpu'
neH SaH Qunqoqvam.

> wa'DIch, jubwI'pu' ghalchoH jubbewI'pu'; chay' net pIHlaHbe' ?
> tugh jubwI'pu' muSchoH jubbewI'pu'; chay' net pIHlaHbe' ?
> ej, tagha', jubwI'pu' HIv jubbe'wI'pu'; chay net pIHlaHbe' jay' ?
> pIH 'Iv'e'?

pIH nuv motlh ! reH, jubwI' ghal jubbe'wi'. reH ! not qaSbe'laH wanI'vam.

> Hoch Sov Ilúvatar

HIja'; 'ach melkor chenmoHta', 'ej melkormo' bech qo' Hoch. 'a, qatlh
qo' SaHnIS qeQvam (illuvatar) ? jub vaj bechlaHbe'..

> qo''e' chenmoHpu'bogh Ilúvatar pupmoH qaSbogh Hoch

vaj, qo' lupupmoHta''a' 'oy' bep je ? qo' lupupmoHta''a' QIH lot je ?

> Qun ghaH Ilúvatar'e'.

qeQna' ghaH illuvatar'e'..

> the downfall of numenor vIlaDta'; 'ej vIlaDtaHvIS, lotlhbogh Humanpu'
> vIyajlaHbejqu'..
> lotlh, nepta'mo' Sauron

maybe'mo' illuvatar, Humanpu' jubbe'moH. tojwI'na'mo' illuvatar,
Humanpu' ghoch Qav 'otHa'Qo',.

illuvatar DI'onmeyvam lo'laH sauron. vaj, pIch ghaj illuvatar neH..

~ mayqel qunen'oS

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