[tlhIngan Hol] 'e', net, -Daq speculation

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sun Apr 29 14:09:39 PDT 2018

On 4/29/2018 3:12 PM, demonchaux.aurelie wrote:
> Savan, tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI'pu'!
> I have been wondering for a couple of days now whether the sentence 
> pronouns {'e'} and {net} might take the noun suffix {-Daq} to refer to 
> the location where the previous sentence took place.
> From the TKD, as far as I can tell nothing explicitly prohibits adding 
> any suffix to these pronouns - only their usage in sentence-as-object 
> constructions is described, but if you consider that the TKD only 
> gives a grammatical outline of Klingon, well then maybe other kinds of 
> usage also exist.
> Imagine if we could write:
> (?) {paq laD HoD, 'e'Daq jIba'} = I sit where the captain read the book
> (?) {Hegh Subvam netDaq jaHQo'} = the place where this hero died is 
> avoided like the plague
> What do you think? Does it seem to make sense to you the same way it 
> does for me?

My objection would be that you're not saying /I sit where the captain 
reads the book;/ you're saying /I sit at the captain reads the book./ 
*'e'Daq* would not take place at the location of the previous sentence; 
it says the previous sentence IS a location, which seems meaningless to me.


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