[tlhIngan Hol] All klingon trailer

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 29 10:29:29 PDT 2017

On 9/29/2017 1:23 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> Anyways, I did however ask myself how I would choose to express the 
> "we have become complacent", because I can't understand how they 
> express it in that trailer, and I came up with:
> {maSaHHa'choH}

/We become unconcerned./ It's not quite enough for me; I'd add a bit: 
*maSaHHa'choH 'ej mayonchoH*/we become unconcerned and satisfied./ The 
claim that Klingon is more compact than English isn't necessarily true: 
English has many simple words that take several in Klingon.


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