[tlhIngan Hol] What Maltz does: {'otHa'}

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 28 14:39:39 PDT 2017

This can happen in English: the horse grazed in the pasture; I grazed my horse in the pasture. 
----Original message----
>From : esperantist at gmail.com
Date : 28/09/2017 - 18:26 (GMTST)
To : tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject : Re: [tlhIngan Hol] What Maltz does: {'otHa'}
I think ambitransitive isn't the right word here. Ambitransitive verbs can be intransitive or transitive, like {Soj vISop} vs. {jISop}. This one reminds me more of Chinese and Thai in which some verbs are their own causative verb. But I cannot remember the correct term for this type of verb...
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