[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: pIch

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Sep 26 08:13:01 PDT 2017

Klingon word: pIch
Part of speech: verb
Definition: blame

  I blame you. KLS

Don't confuse with the homophonous noun {pIch} "fault,  blame":

  pIch vIghajbe' 
  It's not my fault. TKD 

qun 		scold (i.e. find fault with) (v)
pum 		accuse (v)
yem 		sin (v)
bIj  		punish (v)
naDHa' 		discommend (v)

DIv 		be guilty (v)
chun 		be innocent (v)

Qagh 		mistake, error (n)
Duy' 		defect (n)
naDHa'ghach 	discommendation (n)


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