[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: vung

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 29 16:35:26 PDT 2017

On 9/29/2017 4:41 PM, nIqolay Q wrote:
> Also, going back to my original question, I remembered Okrand's 
> translation of Sonnet 116 mentions some weather (his Klingon and his 
> English):
>     *jevqu'taHvIS muD ral, bejlI' parmaq. Qombe'! nISbe' jevwI', 'ej
>     not ruS baq.* [...] /While the violent atmosphere storms, love
>     still watches. It does not tremble! The storm does not disrupt it,
>     and it never terminates the bond./
> Which suggests that *muD* is a reasonable explicit subject for weather 
> verbs, and that *-wI'* can be used to refer to weather verbs as 
> discrete systems (so *vungwI'* would then be a way to talk about 
> hurricanes as nouns).

That we can use *muD* is not in question; Okrand confirmed that long 
ago. The question is not what words can be used, but how they are used 
by Klingons. One CAN say *SISlu',* said Okrand, but one doesn't.

Good find with the sonnet, though there's the caveat that Okrand wrote 
one half and an unidentified Klingonist wrote the other half, and the 
half without the *jev* seems more likely to be Okrand's work. We don't 
know how closely Okrand may have looked at it. I'll consider this a 
questionable data point in favor of *jevwI'.*


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