[tlhIngan Hol] tarDIghaD

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 13 10:03:26 PDT 2017

On 9/13/2017 12:30 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> > qaStaHvIS poHvam, chImchu'bogh loghDaq > taHlaHtaH tarDIghaD, tera' 
> Ha'DIbaHHom
> > pujHa’qu’.
> The {tera' Ha'DIbaHHom} which follows the {taHlaHtaH tarDIghaD} 
> separated from it by a comma, is rather nice because it serves to 
> explain to the reader, what this tarDIghaD actually is.
> The separation by the comma, of the words which follow it, 
> recreate/resemble the way someone would change the tone of his voice 
> if he was actually speaking these words, in order to further define 
> the nature of the tarDIghaD he is talking about.

This is a common way to indicate noun phrases in apposition.

> > pa' chaw' ngoqvam baghHa’meH ’oH, De'wI'
>  > motlh lo'laH.  'ach Do' 'e' ta' neHbe' 'oH.
> And here, the interesting part is the {'ach Do'} before the {'e'}.
> [...]
> So, the question is whether the tarDIghaD passage is considered canon.

Canon? Isn't this just a translation of something by loghaD?


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