[tlhIngan Hol] yIntagh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sat Sep 9 05:45:08 PDT 2017

On 9/9/2017 1:24 AM, Anthony Appleyard wrote:
> What is the first use of "yIntagh"? Was in a bit of Klingon text which was recorded, and then the scriptwriters changed the English, so that the Klingon had to be retrofitted to another English translation? (This is how {-pu'}, originally intended as only as a verb perfective suffix, came also to mean "plural of being who can talk".) ({yIn tagh} as two words means "life lung")

 From /Star Trek: The Next Generation/, "Redemption, Part 1"

    Members of the High Council, it
    is a day of great rejoicing for
    the family of Duras and the
    Klingon Empire. We have
    discovered that our brother did
    indeed have a son and heir.

    This is an outrage! Duras had
    no mate. Where did you find him,
    Lursa? In a harlot's bed

    I will personally cut your tongue
    out, Yintagh!

    Impudent wretch.

I see two possibilities. Either the writers just made something up from 
scratch, which just happened to be identical to the word for 
/life-support system,/ or they opened /The Klingon Dictionary,/ couldn't 
find the word they were looking for, and picked one at random or one 
which they thought sounded good. I see no reason to believe the writers 
ever had any actual knowledge of *tlhIngan Hol.*


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