[tlhIngan Hol] vengDaq, vengmeyDaq je

Brent Kesler brent.of.all.people at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 14:07:59 PDT 2017

So this is what I've decided on:

     'op vengmeyDaq qaSchoHpu' Daw'mey, ghIq vengmey law'Daq qaSchoHpu' je.


On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Brent Kesler <brent.of.all.people at gmail.com>

> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:31 PM, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, I read it only as "in (a/the) city and (the) cities", which is
>> redundant.
>> What's wrong with {ngIq veng}?
> 1. The canon examples of {ngIq} only give a rough idea of its precise
> usage, so...
> 2. I only risk {ngIq} when I'm confident what I'm saying fits one of the
> canon examples. I don't thank that's the case here. All the examples that
> fit the "one after another" usage seem to imply "all of them, one at a
> time", like checking items of a list. I think the phrase "city after city"
> is less about a sequence and more about the idea that revolutions kept
> breaking out *everywhere.*
> 3. {ngIq vengDaq qaSchoHtaH Daw'mey} could mean that revolutions kept
> breaking out in a single city, like the Year of the Four Emperors. Or maybe
> the plural {Daw'mey} implies multiple cities. I'm not sure, because point
> number one.
> But it looks like {vengDaq, vengmeyDaq je} isn't working, so I'll keep
> working on it.
> bI'reng
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