[tlhIngan Hol] Meta: Discussions about new words found in Netflix' Klingon subtitles for Star Trek: Discovery

Wil Czak vilchaq at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 11:24:51 PDT 2017

On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 06:58:19 -0700, Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se> wrote:

> == SIr'o' ==
> (noun) I'm fairly certain that this means "mycelium", in part because  
> there's a pun (look up "mycelium" on Wikipedia and >you'll find it quite  
> quickly), and also because it works with all of the examples.
> However, the examples are also consistent with something like "network",  
> "structure" or "plane"; perhaps by analogy it has >come to mean both.
> From episode 4 ("The Butcher's Knife ..."):
> "This ships spore drive travels on a network of mycelium that's spread  
> across the entire galaxy."
> {qIb naQ velbogh 'atlhqam SIr'o' leng Dujvam SanmIr QuQ.}
> "... when it exited from the mycelial plane."
> {... 'atlhqam SIr'o' mejDI'.}

Based on the text of the Wikipedia article, "shiro" and "mycelium" are  
synonyms (both meaning a mass of hyphae). Given that, I suspect this might  
be a case of Okrand telling Lieven "just transliterate the English word"  
rather than a pun. Thus, the whole phrase <'atlhqam SIr'o'> probably means  
"mycelium", with <'atlhqam> included to contextualize the transliterated  
English word (well, Japanese loan-word) "shiro". So it's "fungal shiro" as  
opposed to some other kind of shiro (for example, the Ethiopian stew I  
just now learned about while googling "shiro").
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