[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: taqmoH

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Thu Nov 9 11:39:02 PST 2017

roD «DubmoH» mu' lo'lu'be'; yap «Dub».

{SuvwI' vI' Dub naQvam}
"This serves to steady the aim of a warrior"
(S14 - http://klingonska.org/canon/1995-sbx-s14.txt )

MO: I would not say there are any guidelines. Some verbs can take one
    noun. Some take two. And it does not necessarily fall the way that
    English falls. The way the dictionary is put together is not really
    helpful the way the definitions are written.

WM: Right. Like {Dub} - "improve." [[-:=--]]

MO: Right, although now we know from usage. The best way to know
    this is from usage because when I made the dictionary, frankly, it
    never occurred to me to put transitive or intransitive or whether
    that was a relevant term in the first place. Usage is the way to go.

(HolQeD 7:4 - http://klingonska.org/canon/1998-12-holqed-07-4.txt )

"/rach/ is also to be distinguished from /Dub/ "improve," which seems to be used primarily when what is being enhanced is of a more abstract nature (as when one improves or increases one's status, skill, understanding, etc.)."
(newsgroup posting - http://klingonska.org/canon/1998-10-20b-news.txt )

9 nov. 2017 kl. 19:58 skrev qurgh lungqIj <qurgh at wizage.net<mailto:qurgh at wizage.net>>:

'ach nIbbe' {DuDubmoH} {Du'arghHa'moH} je. qechmey pIm 'oS bIH.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:18 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com<mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> wrote:
naDev vIpawta'DI', 'ej tlhIngan Hol vIghojchoH, jIHvaD jatlh nuv law':

mayqel, tlhIngan Hol DaghItlhtaHvIS, napnIS mu'meylIj mu'tlheghmeylIj je.

napbe' {Du'arghHa'moH}; {DuDubmoH} nap law' {Du'arghHa'moH} nap puS. meqvammo' nIvbej {DuDubmoH}.

I suppose I could write the above in english, but if we don't write klingon, then what are we here for ?

~ nIghma'

On Nov 9, 2017 19:06, "nIqolay Q" <niqolay0 at gmail.com<mailto:niqolay0 at gmail.com>> wrote:
I took it as a sort of backhanded compliment, like saying "your face doesn't look so terrible now!"

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:57 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com<mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> wrote:
I can't understand why use {Du'arghHa'moH} instead of {Dub}.

Nor do I want to.

~ nIghma'

On Nov 9, 2017 18:42, "Steven Boozer" <sboozer at uchicago.edu<mailto:sboozer at uchicago.edu>> wrote:
I was updating my files just now with the Klingon dialogue from the latest DSC episode "Si vis pacem, para bellum" when I noticed a relevant exchange for today's WOTD:

KOL:    lIr'el, Du'arghHa'moH mIvwa'.
        The scar is an improvement, L'Rell.

L'RELL: SanDIy 'oH. vItuQmo' jIHem.
        Earned in battle. I wear it with pride.


------------------------------Original Message------------------------------
From: Voragh

Klingon word: taqmoH
Part of speech: verb
Definition: scar
Source: qep'a' 24 [2017]

(qep'a' 24 New Words):  So if you have a scar that you got in a fight, that could be either a {mIvwa'} or a {SanDIy}. If you don't know whether someone's scar resulted from a wound or a disease, it's probably safest to go with {mIvwa'}. If the person's scar is actually a {SanDIy}, he/she will, under most circumstances, clarify this for you. If it's a {roptoj}, he/she may let the "misdiagnosis" slide since, as we all know, {ropchoHbe' tlhInganpu'}."

taq             be scarred (v)
mIvwa'          scar (result of a wound, regardless of how the wound occurred) (n)
roptoj          scar (result of some sort of disease, infection, etc.) (n)
SanDIy          scar (result of a wound received in the course of fighting/battling) (n)

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