[tlhIngan Hol] extended usage of peD

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Mon Nov 20 02:23:09 PST 2017


this usage appeared during breakfast, and Okrand later told me about it:

When you cut your bread and the crumbs fall out (like snow), you use the 
verb {peD}. It can also be used for instance, when you throw confetti, 
and the confetti falls down, then use {peD}.

So, with other words, {peD} still means "to snow", but it does not only 
refer to snow, but can also be used for other small things "falling down 
slowly" or "rain down", like ashes.

During explaining, it seemed like the bread is the subject of {peD}, but 
also the breadcrumbs themselves.

I don't know of a general word other than "snow". Maybe "rain down", but 
that's confusing, because rain still is {SIS}. Okrand did not give the 
english word for it, he just explained it.

This tidbit from #qepHom2017 will be added to the page "Message from 
Maltz" on qepHom.de later:

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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