[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: chep

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 08:04:08 PDT 2017

And in order to clarify further what I am trying to say with the
comments posted with regards to the {Dab}, we have the canon example
{Daq DaDabbogh yIngu'}. Here the Dab takes the {Da-} "you-it" prefix.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 5:52 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> The verb {chep} means "to be prosperous, to prosper", and so we have
> the {yIchep} for "prosper !" (imperative).
> But if the only definition given to {chep} was "to be prosperous",
> then we couldn't have the {yIchep} and so we would have
> {yIchep'eghmoH}, right ?
> ..and with regards to the {Dab} on the paq'batlh example.
> A little bird told me, that according to the KLI mailing list
> 1999.07.19, "In Klingon, when one lives at a place, he or she is
> thought of as occupying or inhabiting it. That is, he or she is not
> seen as doing something at a location, but rather as doing something
> to it"
> So in this context, the {'op ben pa' Dab ngan} should be written
> instead {'op ben pa' luDab ngan} for "some years ago inhabitants
> resided the there".
> The only interpretation of the canon sentence which I could find,
> in-keeping with the above list's comment, is "some years ago an
> inhabitant resided the there". But I don't think this is the intended
> meaning; if only one resides somewhere, then this somewhere hardly
> qualifies as being alive and prosperous.
> qunnoq
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 5:26 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> On 7/7/2017 10:20 AM, Steven Boozer wrote:
>> 'op ben pa' Dab ngan 'ej chep
>> [translation unavailable] (PB)
>> Deb mojpu' vavDaj yer
>>     'ej choSchoHlu'pu' 'e' tu'
>>    'op ben pa' Dab ngan 'ej chep
>> He finds the lands of his father
>>     Barren and deserted,
>>     It was alive and prosperous once.
>> --
>> SuStel
>> http://trimboli.name
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