[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' cha'maH loSDIch New words and some tidbits

Tad Stauffer tadbot at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 21:38:56 PDT 2017

nong! Reading through these, some of my thoughts (and attempts to find

{'oDtu'} - I'll probably think of Data's 'Ode to Spot' poem as a mnemonic
for this.

{'ejvoH} - the Stars & Stripes (or the Stripes & Stars, rather) is a
palindromic phrase: {'ejvoH Hov je}

{jel} - like a bowl full of jelly or Jell-O™

{po'oH} - one of  A.A. Milne's books is The House at Pooh Corner

{jItuj'ep ngutlh} - cool call back to a scene from Star Trek IV, where
Spock identified a Klingon Mummification Glyph

{Do'natu vagh} - this entry (and a few of the others) makes me think that
real tlhIngan Hol (and not Paramount Hol) will be used in the new Star Trek
series, coming to CBS All Access on September 24, 2017.

{-Qo'} - The way I'm interpreting this, the new/clarified info is that
{-Qo'} and {-be'} can both be used on an imperative at the same time:

*Don't do X! (where X = fight)*
Don't fight! {yISuvQo'}
(Grammatically correct in both English and Klingon)

*Don't do X! (where X = not fight)*
Don't not fight! {yISuvbe'Qo'}
(To avoid the double negative in the English version, this might be
translated as 'Always fight!' or 'Keep fighting!' or 'Don't stop!')

*Do not-X (where X = fight)*
*Not fight! {*yISuvbe'}
(Grammatically incorrect in both English and Klingon)

If this has been discussed at the qep'a', could someone confirm that my
middle example {yISuvbe'Qo'} is correct?


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 8:57 PM, qurgh lungqIj <qurgh at wizage.net> wrote:

> Greetings all,
> I've posted the new Klingon words online at https://www.kli.org/activit
> ies/qepmey/qepa-chamah-losdich/qepa-chamah-losdich-new-words/
> We'll be working to get these added to the KLI's New Word List on the
> website, but I wanted to get the pages out to you all as soon as possible.
> I also got to ask Marc a few questions and documented his answers:
> I asked about {jIb}, {pob}, {loch} and {rol} after there was a
> conversation about it in the Learn Klingon Facebook group. {jIb} is only
> hair on the top of your head, {loch} is the hair on your upper lip, {rol}
> is the hair on your face that covers you chin/neck area, and {pob} is hair
> from the neck down. "Arm hair" is {DeS pob}. The words cover both the hair
> and the entire construction, so {rol} refers to a "beard" as well as the
> hair that makes up the beard.
> However, "ear hair" or "nose hair" is talked about using {pob}, and {pob}
> *can* be used to talk about "face hair" or "head hair" but it would be
> considered very strange to do so.
> I asked about fronting nouns marked with {-'e'} as described in the TKD
> Addendum. Marc said that {-'e'} fronted nouns are marked and it should only
> be used in extreme situations. He said one could, if they wanted to, use
> this all the time but it would be similar to an English speaking using
> Shakespearean English all the time.
> SuStel asked on Facebook if {yaH} refers to any work place, or just
> military, and Marc said that it refers to any place where one does work.
> I also asked Marc again about using {-Ha'} on adverbs. He said that if it
> makes sense, then {-Ha'} could be used. I offered the example of {tlhIngan
> Hol neHHa' vIjatlh} and he translated that as "I speak not only Klingon" as
> in "I speak many languages including Klingon". He say that {vajHa'} still
> doesn't make sense.
> yItIv!
> qurgh
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