[tlhIngan Hol] maQongpa'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 20 13:31:33 PDT 2017

nuQum qunnoq:
<<  qaStaHvIS qImroq tujqu' rammey, maQongpa', cha' Doch DIqaSnISmoH..
<<  wa'DIch: leng Soj wISopnIS   'ej  cha'DIch: beer bIrqu' wItlhutlhnIS.

<warnogh> vIchupjaj:

(KGT 95):  many native Klingon alcoholic drinks have names that do not contain the word {HIq}. Among these are {wornagh} ("warnog"), a kind of ale

(KGT 98f.)  Unless specified further, {HIq HIvje'} (“liquor glass”) usually means a tankard or stein for beer or ale. A {bal} is any bottle or jug used to store liquid... Ale is often stored in a large vat ({qegh}) rather than in a {bal}.

The clone of Kahless was exposed because he could not detect the difference between real and replicated {warnogh}. (TNG<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation> "Rightful Heir<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Rightful_Heir_%28episode%29>")

General<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/General> Martok<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Martok> often enjoyed {warnogh} aboard the IKS Rotarran<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/IKS_Rotarran> to keep him warm. (DS9<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine> "Sons and Daughters<http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Sons_and_Daughters_%28episode%29>")

(_Hidden Universe Travel Guides: Qo'noS and the Klingon Empire_ [2017?], p.10):  On the other hand, *warnog* beer and a number of ales might be more to your liking.
(Lieven 12/12/2013):   [Maltz] said he has been asked before about “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”. He thought they were silly things to say (and, of course, there are no traditional Klingon ways to say these things) … He also liked my sister-in-law's suggestion: {wornagh yItlhutlh!}.

 (Russ Perry, Jr., [9/27/2016]):  as a beer fan I'll note that this beer is (was?) actually produced by a licensed brewery and sold in stores -- in other words, it was meant for K.A.G.-ers and other Star Trek and beer fans to enjoy, but it wasn't home-brewed by some K.A.G. member/group, nor did some Star Trek/Klingon fan merely mock up a fake can.

For more information see:  http://www.thetrekcollective.com/2014/03/an-honorable-drink.html as well as http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Warnog

It probably wouldn’t be the same, of course, but I imagine everyone here will understand what you mean.


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