[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' webpage

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Jul 6 06:47:27 PDT 2017

On 7/6/2017 5:32 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> lay'tel SIvten ('ej latlhpu')
>> pa' SoHtaH pagh meyrI' SoHtaH!
>> "Be there, or be square!"
> I don't think that grammar-wise the {pa' SoHtaH} can stand for "be
> there !". Even if one speaks this phrase coloring his voice with an
> imperative tone, then again the meaning would be "you are there", with
> the context of "you are being there" (meaning I am making an
> observation that "you are there"). And all this with an imperative
> tone, which doesn't make much sense.
> If I was to translate the "be there !" in klingon, I would choose
> something like {pa' yISaH'eghmoH}.

If I were to temporarily accept *meyrI'* as meaning the same thing as 
the obsolete English slang meaning of /square,/ I would pattern this 
utterance on existing Klingon:

*pa' SoHtaHbe'chugh vaj meyrI' SoH
*/if you are not there then you are a square/

Using *pa' bISaHbe'chugh* is also acceptable.

If I were to look for an actual bit of Klingon slang, I might say one of 

*pa' SoHtaHbe'chugh vaj bInatlh
*/if you are not there then you consume (reprehensible, disguisting, 

*pa' SoHtaHbe'chugh vaj Hom SoH
*/if you are not there then you are a bone (weakling, runt, scrawny one, 
skinny one)/

*pa' SoHtaHbe'chugh vaj bolwI' SoH
*/if you are not there then you are a drooler (traitor)/

And so on.


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