[tlhIngan Hol] original canon information on Facebook

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Mon Jul 31 23:06:10 PDT 2017

Am 01.08.2017 um 07:13 schrieb Alan Anderson:
> I do not consider "I once heard Marc Okrand say X" as a definitive 
> source. In any case, [...]

I absolutely agree with Alan. I do trust that the information may be 
true, but it has become a common trend among Klingonists that we publish 
any information as soon as we get it (or as as soon as we allowed to 
publish it). So if that would be a "new word", it should have been 
posted at least to the list like "Hey look, Okrand told me that x means 
Y in Klingon."

Saying it as a sidenote is a bit strange, indeed.

On the other hand, qurgh said on FB "there's a new word now for eyelash: 
muylIS" - that is an official announcement, although I wish he'll write 
it to the list as a summary of the qep'a' (or did I miss that message?)

Nevertheless, Facebook is really not a good source to archive, nor a 
good way to search things, as you cannot just click on "see messages of 
April 2013" - the mailing list does have that option.

BTW, I hate it (in general) when people say "Why don't you know that? I 
wrote it on Facebook..."

For archiving larger, messages from Okrand on FB, I suggest making 
screenshots and upload these to some place, like I did here:

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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