[tlhIngan Hol] <<poSayDon>> vImughlI'

Anthony Appleyard a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 16 21:36:09 PST 2017

An opera-related English example is "prelude" :: from its meaning "introductory music as the start of an opera", extended uses arose such as:-
"The suddenly-starting gusty wind proved to be the prelude to a violent thunderstorm which wiped out the afternoon's planned school sports day."
----Original message----
>From : a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Date : 17/01/2017 - 05:27 (GMTST)
To : tlhingan-hol at kli.org, tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org
Subject : Re: [tlhIngan Hol] <<poSayDon>> vImughlI'
About using words with extended ranges, there are English examples:-
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