[tlhIngan Hol] <<poSayDon>> vImughlI'

Brian Cote wearetheinformation00 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 10:34:40 PST 2017

To answer the remainder of your original question, I pulled {paqvaD
qanejmoH} off of the "klingon_grammar" page on the Wikipedia. However there
was no citation given for where the example of this particular construction
came from.


On Sunday, January 15, 2017, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 1/15/2017 9:34 PM, Brian Cote wrote:
> ej vaj ghaH QeHqu'moH qechna'vam 'ej bI'reS Qu'DajvaD
> ghaH parqu'moH.
> Disregarding your suggestions for recasting these sentences
> for the moment.
> {bI'reS} - I was intending to use it as a time stamp, as in
>  the {paq'batlh}, however, I'm thinking {wa'DIch} might have
> been more appropriate here.
> *wa'DIch* would have been better. A *bI'reS* is the beginning of some
> artistic performance, not a job.
> {Qu'DajvaD ghaH parqu'moH} - I'll explain my thinking here.
>  I was intending to write /(this idea specifically) caused him to
> really dislike his duty/. I based this on the example of
>  {paqvaD qanejmoH}, but as I'm currently writing this,
>  I'm realizing that this probably falls under the category of
> the "prefix trick", correct? I was thinking that {ghaH} would be
>  the explicit direct object and {Qu'Daj} would be the explicit
>  indirect object. This obviously didn't work, correct?
> Does *paqvaD qanejmoH* appear in *paq'batlh*? I have only about
> two-thirds of it typed in and searchable, and what I have already done
> doesn't contain that phrase.
> Our first example of how to do this was on a SkyBox card, where the phrase
> was *ghaHvaD quHDaq qawmoH** it causes him to remember his heritage.*
> Following this pattern, your desired sentence would be *ghaHvaD Qu'Daj
> parqu'moH** it causes him to really dislike his task.*
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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