[tlhIngan Hol] KLBC - How to say "I like to do/doing something"

André Müller esperantist at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 08:11:15 PST 2017

I think a good example from linguistics is using -er and -ee as productive
suffixes when talking about agents and patients of actions. The suffixes
are known from words like "employer" and "employee", but in linguistics
there are also the causer and the causee, even the asker and the askee. At
least the latter is a nonce word, immediately understood in context, but
perhaps only marginally grammatical. The suffix is made more productive, in
this way. Or of course things like "nouniness" and "verbiness" when talking
about word classes and how well certain words fit into such a class.

Klingon {-ghach} in scientific jargon might work similarly. Perhaps Klingon
linguists speak of {"neH" chuvghach} ~ the rest-ness of the verb "neH" or

- André

2017-02-14 16:41 GMT+01:00 SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name>:

> It's not that *-ghach* occurs on bare stems in scientific jargon; it's
> that a scientist trying to explain something arcane that doesn't already
> have a word might throw *-ghach* on a bare verb to make a point. You're
> coining a word of the moment, not finding it in a textbook.
> Basically, the effect of *-ghach* on a bare verb is the same as putting
> scare-quotes around a word you just made up.
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