[tlhIngan Hol] KLBC - How to say "I like to do/doing something"

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 9 08:05:05 PST 2017

(KGT 71):  Among Klingons, pleasure is deemed quite unessential for one's well-being. More frequently, the appreciation of music is expressed in terms of something that music does to the listener rather than in terms of the listener's reaction. Thus, music is said to embolden (jaqmoH), excite (SeymoH), encourage (tungHa'), or to stimulate or inspire (pIlmoH)."

Also consider:

bel                 be pleased (v)
belHa'         be displeased (v)
belHa'moH      displease (v)

  chobelHa'moH, DI'qar.
  You disappoint (lit. “displease”) me, D'Kar.  (STConst p.259)

belmoH [please (someone)] (v)

Do I please you? (i.e. Do you like me?) PK

lIbelmoH paqvam 'e' vItul
we hope that you will be pleased with the results.
(Vincent Van Gerven Oei's speech at qepHom wa'maHDIch)

    tlhIHvaD paq chu' wImuch 'e' bochaw'mo' chequvmoH 'ej chebelmoH.
    lut'a'raj Dun laDlaHmeH tera'ngan, tera'Daq tlhIngan lut'a' paq wa'Dich
    wIchenmoHta', lut'a' 'oH paq'batlh'e'.
    It is a great honor and pleasure that you have allowed us to present you with
    the first Terran edition of your glorious epic, the paq'batlh.
    (also from Vincent's speech)

Using the noun {bel} “pleasure, joy” may also be productive.  E.g.

  'utbe' bel
   Pleasure is nonessential. TKW

   lenglIj lutebjaj lengwIjvaD bel rap, Sov rap, ngoQ
   rap je Danobpu'bogh.
   May your journey be filled with the same joy, wisdom,
   and purpose you have given mine. (Frasier)

As for omitting {‘e’} -- don’t.  {neH} is the only exception in SAOs:

(TKD 66f.):  When the verb of the second sentence is {neH} “want”, neither {'e'} nor {net} is used, but the construction is otherwise identical to that just described.

As far as we know this usage is unique to {neH}.  While "I like that I cook" or "The Vulcan doesn't like that he fights" may sound awkward in English, they don’t in Klingon.


On Behalf Of Aurélie Demonchaux
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 6:32 AM

I've been wondering, what's the correct way to express liking / disliking an activity?
For example, saying:  "I like to cook" or "The Vulcan doesn't like to fight"

We have some examples of <par> and <parHa'> being used with nouns or pronouns but I can't find any canon source where they apply to verbs.

Do you use {'e'} or nothing in those cases?  As in:
  <jIvut vIparHa'> vs <jIvut ’e’ vIparHa'>
  <Suv par vulqangan> vs <Suv ’e’ par vulqangan>

My "feeling" would be to use no ’e’ , similar to the construction with <want> (neH), because 'e' is the equivalent of "that", so using it would mean "I like that I cook" / "The Vulcan doesn't like that he fights", implying that the cooking/fighting is actually happening now, instead of stating "I like cooking in general"/"the Vulcan doesn't like fighting in general" (but I'm not necessarily cooking right now and the Vulcan is not fighting right now either).

What do you think?

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