[tlhIngan Hol] The junior agitant to the diplomatic delegation
mayqel qunenoS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 04:51:27 PDT 2017
roD jIjatlh, pIqarD HoD vIpar; 'ej vIt.
'a wa wanI' tu'lu', 'ej qaStaHvIS wanI'vam, le' pIqarD. wanI'vam vIDelmeH
QInvam vIghItlh.
So''eghlaHbogh Duj SuqnIS pIqarD. Dujvam SuqmeH ghawran tu'nIS 'ej
meqvammo', qaStaHvIS wej jaj QInmey labtaH 'enterpray'.
tagha', chaH tlhopDaq So'Ha' thlIngan Duj 'ej 'enterpray' rI'choH Dujvam..
pIqarD SovmoHlu'DI', belchoH pIqarD, 'a tugh jatlhlu': tlhIngan DujDaq
junior agitant to the diplomatic delegation neH tu'lu'..
(to be continued)
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