[tlhIngan Hol] Hoch and HochHom referring to things

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Aug 9 07:13:02 PDT 2017

There are many examples of {Hoch} “everyone, everything” used alone:

may' ngeb tIv Hoch
Everyone enjoys a mock battle. CK
Hoch vor Dargh wIb
Sour tea cures everything. CK
Hoch DaSopbe'chugh batlh bIHeghbe'
Eat everything or you will die without honor. PK

QI'tomerDaq Heghpu' Hoch
No one survived Khitomer ("Everyone died at Khitomer") TKW

rut yIHmey ghom Hoch
Everyone encounters tribbles occasionally. TKW
Hoch SeH
All rights reserved. (SkyBox Copyright)
(lit. “[Paramount Pictures] controls everything.”)

tera' vatlh DIS poH cha'maH loS bIyIn jeSlaHpa' Hoch
Be the first to journey to the 24th century. STX

­HochvaD pung Hutlh qul
flames have no mercy for anyone. PB

And don’t forget the superlative pattern {A Q law’ Hoch Q puS}.  E.g.:

la' jaq law' Hoch jaq puS
The commander is boldest of all. TKD
I only know of two examples of {HochHom}, both modifying nouns.


From: tlhIngan-Hol [mailto:tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org] On Behalf Of mayqel qunenoS
We know we can use the {Hoch} and {HochHom} on their own (without placing them next to/after nouns), to mean "all" and "almost all" the people/beings.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, we can use {Hoch} and {HochHom} on their own, meaning "all" and "almost all" the things.

So, and if my last assumption is correct, are there any canon examples of the latter use of {Hoch} and {HochHom} ?


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