[tlhIngan Hol] Hoch and HochHom referring to things

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Aug 9 07:03:34 PDT 2017

On 8/9/2017 9:46 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> We know we can use the {Hoch} and {HochHom} on their own (without 
> placing them next to/after nouns), to mean "all" and "almost all" the 
> people/beings.
> Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, we can use 
> {Hoch} and {HochHom} on their own, meaning "all" and "almost all" the 
> things.
> So, and if my last assumption is correct, are there any canon examples 
> of the latter use of {Hoch} and {HochHom} ?

Lots of 'em. *Hoch* gets used all the time by itself in superlative 
constructions: *la' jaq law' Hoch jaq puS* /the commander is the boldest 
of all/ (TKD). But it has also been used as a normal noun: *may' ngeb 
tIv Hoch*/everyone enjoys a mock battle/ (CK). I don't remember any 
standalone instances of *HochHom,* though something is nagging my mind 
about that. But given its translation, /most, greater part,/ I don't see 
any reason it can't be used as a standalone noun to mean exactly that: 
*may' ngebHa' tIv HochHom*/almost everyone enjoys a real battle./


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