[tlhIngan Hol] Transitivity of {nay} and {Saw}

Philip Newton philip.newton at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 07:42:09 PDT 2017

Is anything known about whether {nay} and {Saw} are transitive and/or
intransitive, or how they are used?

Specifically, are they "marry" in the sense of "get married"
(intransitive) or "get married to [person]" (transitive)?

Given http://www.qephom.de/e/message_from_maltz_170713.html and its
endorsement of the grammaticality of {naychuq} and {Sawchuq} and its
example of {B tlhogh A}, I assume that {nay} and {Saw} work similarly
and that one can say {qeylIS nay luqara'} and {luqara' Saw qeylIS}.

But presumably also {wa' Hogh pIq jISaw} "I'm going to get married
next week", without an object.

And I think I read something about {A B je tlhoghmoH C} for "C
(officiant) marries (performs the marriage of) A and B; C causes A and
B to be a married couple", though I can't find it in that message from
Maltz. ... ah, it's from page "Other 3" of

Does all that sound about right?


Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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