[tlhIngan Hol] Transitivity of {nay} and {Saw}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Aug 4 08:02:38 PDT 2017

On 8/4/2017 10:42 AM, Philip Newton wrote:
> Is anything known about whether {nay} and {Saw} are transitive and/or
> intransitive, or how they are used?
> Specifically, are they "marry" in the sense of "get married"
> (intransitive) or "get married to [person]" (transitive)?
> Givenhttp://www.qephom.de/e/message_from_maltz_170713.html  and its
> endorsement of the grammaticality of {naychuq} and {Sawchuq} and its
> example of {B tlhogh A}, I assume that {nay} and {Saw} work similarly
> and that one can say {qeylIS nay luqara'} and {luqara' Saw qeylIS}.

Any Klingon verb that can take an object may leave that object off to 
mean either the action is done in general or to an unspecified object. 
So *nay luqara'* means /Lukara marries (in general, or someone 

I didn't doubt before that those words took objects; allowing *-chuq* on 
them cliches it for me.


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