[tlhIngan Hol] The {-chuqmoH}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Aug 29 07:24:30 PDT 2017

On 8/29/2017 10:15 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
>> So what I said is true... when you're dealing with verbs that don't take objects. If the verb does
>> allow an object, then the "doers" of the verb, whether the subject or object, can do the verb to each other.
> Thank you for explaining this; as soon as I read the {Qo'noS tuqmey
> muvchuqmoH qeylIS} I was about to ask about it.
> However, reading the canon sentences, I noted something else which
> seems a little strange:
> muptaHvIS tay''eghmoH QeHDaj Hoch
> All his rage focused in one blow  (PB)
> If I was to translate the original klingon sentence, then I would
> write "while he was striking, all of his anger made itself together".
> But since we have the {tay'}, then shouldn't there be two subjects (at
> least) which would be/made together ?

Let's remove the extraneous material. *tay' QeH*/the anger is together./ 
This is apparently a valid meaning of *tay';* it doesn't require 
multiple subjects that are together. You can think of it as anger 
consisting of multiple parts, which have been gathered into one.

Note that I would never understand *tay' QeH* standing all on its own; 
it's a metaphor that only makes sense in context. Don't take this 
example to mean that Klingons consider anger to consist of multiple 
parts. This is only a metaphor in a poem.


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