[tlhIngan Hol] The {-chuqmoH}

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 07:15:05 PDT 2017

> So what I said is true... when you're dealing with verbs that don't take objects. If the verb does
> allow an object, then the "doers" of the verb, whether the subject or object, can do the verb to each other.

Thank you for explaining this; as soon as I read the {Qo'noS tuqmey
muvchuqmoH qeylIS} I was about to ask about it.

However, reading the canon sentences, I noted something else which
seems a little strange:

muptaHvIS tay''eghmoH QeHDaj Hoch
All his rage focused in one blow  (PB)

If I was to translate the original klingon sentence, then I would
write "while he was striking, all of his anger made itself together".
But since we have the {tay'}, then shouldn't there be two subjects (at
least) which would be/made together ?


On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:53 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> On 8/29/2017 9:33 AM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> Qo'noS tuqmey muvchuqmoH qeylIS
> Kahless united the tribes of Kronos (PB)
> This contradicts what I said about -chuq and objects, and I'm going to head
> you off and explain it.
> There are two ways to interpret muvchuqmoH: [muvchuq]moH he (singular
> subject) causes them (plural object) to join each other and [muv]chuq[moH]
> they (plural, reflexive subject) cause each other to join. When I responded
> earlier, I was thinking of the latter interpretation, but both are possible.
> In the former, the -moH applies to a singular subject causing the plural
> object to do something to each other; in the latter, the -moH applies to a
> plural subject causing each other to do something.
> Things become a little murky when you're dealing with verbs that don't take
> objects, because the "doer" of the verb doesn't do something to something
> else. romuluSngan pImchuqmoH would mean he causes the Romulans to be
> different each other, but be different each other is as meaningless as
> romuluSngan vIpIm I am different the Romulan.
> So what I said is true... when you're dealing with verbs that don't take
> objects. If the verb does allow an object, then the "doers" of the verb,
> whether the subject or object, can do the verb to each other.
> --
> SuStel
> http://trimboli.name
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