[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: matlhHa'

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Sep 20 08:29:08 PDT 2016

On 9/20/2016 11:19 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> lieven:
>> Hope this helps a bit
> Yes, it does ! And I think I understand (finally) what's going on.
> If I walk in the kitchen to see that someone ate my pie, then I will
> say: {QI'yaH ! chabwIj Sopta' vay' !}
> But if I want to say that "when someone eats pizza, he always needs to
> drink beer too", then I will say {pItSa' chab Soplu'taHvIS vaj reH HIq
> tlhutlhnISlu' je}
> Because I learned something new, I'm happy, however it amazes me, how
> something so important eluded me so far..

Don't take this too far. It would also be perfectly correct to say 
*chabwIj Soplu'ta'*/my pie has been eaten./ *-lu'* is not only for 
hypothetical or subjunctive uses.

It's a matter of focus. *-lu'* takes the focus away from whoever would 
be the subject of the sentence, because it removes the subject entirely.

    *chabwIj Sopta' vay''e'
    */someone, definitely someone, has eaten my pie/

    *chabwIj Soplu'ta'
    */my pie has been eaten

In the former sentence, I'm focusing very strongly on the culprit. In 
the latter, I'm focusing on my pie and the fact of its having been 
eaten; I'm not considering who has done it.

Use *-lu'* when you want to de-emphasize the role of the subject in the 
sentence, or when you just don't know or don't care who or what the 
subject is. Use *vay'* when you want to talk about /someone/ or 
/something/ and have them play an active role in the sentence.


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