[tlhIngan Hol] -bogh question

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sun Oct 23 16:03:05 PDT 2016

On 10/23/2016 6:58 PM, SuStel wrote:
> On 10/23/2016 6:41 PM, Juliana Bukoski wrote:
>> According to TKD, *qIppu'bogh yaS vIlegh* means "I see the officer 
>> who hit him/her" and *yaS qIppu'bogh vIlegh* means "I see the officer 
>> whom he/she hit", so can you say something like *be'Hom* *qIppu'bogh 
>> yaS vIlegh*, and if so, does it mean "I see the girl the officer hit" 
>> or "I see the officer who hit the girl"?
> Yes. :)
> You can say that, and it means both of those things. Context will tell 
> the listener or reader which one you mean.
> There is an optional way to disambiguate the two meanings, which is 
> not explained in /The Klingon Dictionary, /but which Marc Okrand has 
> told us elsewhere: you can add the noun suffix *-'e'* to the head noun 
> of the relative clause to show that it is the head noun.
> *be'Hom'e' qIppu'bogh yaS vIlegh
> */I see the girl whom the officer hit/
> *be'Hom qIppu'bogh yaS'e' vIlegh
> */I see the officer who hit the girl/

P.S.: I once wrote a song called *yIH ghupbogh be' qan,* and people 
asked me if I meant /the old woman who swallowed a tribble/ or/the 
tribble the old woman swallowed./ I asked whether it really mattered.


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