[tlhIngan Hol] Will it survive ?
mayqel qunenoS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 07:58:36 PDT 2016
> I found another example in the paq'batlh
qatlho' voragh ! SIbI' tameywIjDaq De'vam chu' vIchel !
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Voragh:
>>> Okrand wrote that:
>>> "The correct way to say "Do you think that...?" is {... 'e' DaQub'a'?}
> qunnoQ:
>> Thank you so much for sharing this ! On numerous occasions I wanted to use
>> {'e'} in this manner, but I refrained out of guilt. I felt like if I used
>> it in this manner, I would be cheating ! Anyway, I'll add all this
>> information to my notes, right away !
> I found another example in the paq'batlh, but I don't have the English translation:
> mInDu'wIj tIbuS molor
> vay' qalay'ta'
> 'ej batlh 'e' vIpab
> The relevant bit literally means "I have promised you something and I will follow it (adhere to it) honorably" (Kahless speaks to Molor, paq'raD, Canto 21:1). Would someone check this verse?
> As an aside, there's a similar idiom elsewhere in the paq'batlh, {'Ip pab}:
> tugh 'Ipvetlh Dapab DaneH'a'?
> How would you like to keep that promise, very soon? (PB 59-60)
> And {batlh pab} also appears, without an explicit object:
> jIlay'ta' 'ej batlh jIpabta' vaj choDanIS
> I have kept my word of honor, and so should you
> (PB 150-151, 186-187)
> jIlay'DI' reH batlh jIpabchugh Qapla'meywIj Hoch
> vIta'ta' 'e' DaHar'a'
> Did you think that my word of honor would have
> carried me this far? (PB 156-57)
> qotarvaD lay'ta' 'ej batlh pab qeylIS
> Kahless kept his word of honor to Kotar (PB 184-85)
> bIleghlaH jIlay'ta' 'ej batlh jIpabta'
> As you see, I have kept my word (PB 192-93)
> --
> Voragh
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