[tlhIngan Hol] [English] Using "pong" as a verb to say "my name is..." ?

Aurélie Demonchaux demonchaux.aurelie at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 06:31:06 PDT 2016

thanks for clarifying the correct use of verbs of speech! All duly noted


> Also note the pronoun {net}, which is translated as "one" in English. It
> may be similar to the French "on".

Mmmh I checked this on the Klingon Dictionary, and looking at the examples
I think the French “on” cannot be used as an equivalent here. In the case
of {net], French would rather use structures such as “il s’avère que” (it
turns out that…) or “Cela se sait que… / C’est bien connu que…(it is known


> {qama'pu' DIHoH net Sov} <One knows we kill prisoners.>

would translate as < Cela se sait que nous tuons les prisonniers > (it is
known that we kill prisoners)


> {Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej} <One certainly finds it useful for the mission.>

would translate as < Cela va certainement s’avérer utile pour la mission >
(this will certainly turn out / prove to be useful for the mission).

In both examples, if we use “on” in French, most likely it would be
misunderstood as “we”.


Also {nu-} "he/she/it/they [does something to] us" (French *nous*) and
> possibly {tu-} "you (plural) [do something to] me" (French *tous* or
> Spanish *tu*, which is singular of course but still means "you").

qeS QaQ ‘oH, qatlho’ !

*@mIp'av, SuStel*

> I interpreted it as direct address: Hoch, Savan everyone, I salute you.

Regarding < Hoch Savan >, I actually meant it as “I salute you all”. Maybe
I should have written < Hoch tlhIH Savan > instead?

​Thanks a lot!


2016-10-06 21:30 GMT+02:00 Ed Bailey <bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:31 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> On 10/6/2016 2:22 PM, Ed Bailey wrote:
>> I just realized, Aurélie, that you began this thread with the salutation
>> <Hoch Savan>, but it seems not to have elicited comment. I wish I had a
>> darsek for every time I've been corrected for using such a construction, in
>> which a noun stands in the place of a first or second person subject or
>> object. Some think this violates the rule of rom <accord>, which says the
>> prefix must agree with the subject and object, because (and this is the
>> part I dispute) nouns, common or proper, are inherently third person. This
>> second part is not a rule in Klingon, and I maintain that in such cases the
>> noun is an appositive to the unexpressed pronoun.
>> I interpreted it as direct address: *Hoch, Savan** everyone, I salute
>> you.*
> mughmeH mIwvam Dalo'bogh lo'nIS Hoch 'e' ra'chugh marq 'oqranD, jIlob.
> ~mIp'av
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