[tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand narrates audio tour for the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 03:00:00 PST 2016

On 26 November 2016 at 04:05, André Müller <esperantist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Now I finally find the time to go through some old mails and add some new
> canon sentences to my database. So don't be surprized that I'm pulling out
> this old mail here...
> So Felix's transcription is the one directly from the app, right?
> Is there a way I can also get the English original texts so I can compare
> and add the English translations for each of the sentences in my dictionary
> software? Preferably without having to install the app?
> Has it been posted somewhere?

As I wrote on another thread (subject is "Do you consider bluetooth
dangerous?"), the Klingon sentences are summaries of longer English
texts, so there is no 1-to-1 correspondence between the Klingon and

For example, for  "Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis", the Klingon has:
{tera' jaj wa'maH loS, jar wa'maH, DIS wa' Hut loS Soch, vuvDI' Bell
X-wa', DoDaj vItlh law' wab Do vItlh puS. Do patlhvam chavta'bogh muD
Duj wa'DIch moj 'oH. X-wa' 'or SepjIjQa' muD beq Charles E. "Chuck"
Yeager HoD. Do patlh vItlhqu' chavta'. qaStaHvIS wa' rep, vaghvatlh
javmaH loS qelI'qam lenglaH, wabDo wa' vI' pagh jav. Yeager be'nal
vanmeH, muD DujvaD "Glennis 'IH" pong Yeager.}

The corresponding English sentences are embedded in a longer text:
"On October 14, 1947, the Bell X-1 became the first airplane to fly
faster than the speed of sound. It was piloted by U.S. Air Force Capt.
Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager who named the aircraft Glamorous Glennis in
tribute to his wife... [skipping some bits] He reached a speed of 1127
kilometers per hour (700 miles per hour), or Mach 1.06 at an altitude
of 13,000 meters (43,000 feet)."

And here's the "Apollo 11" sentence discussed earlier in this thread:
{tera' jar Soch, DIS wa' Hut jav Hut, maSDaq SaqmeH Qu' wa'DIch
HochHom turlu'taHvIS, wej logh lengwI'pu' pa'mey 'oH Apollo wa'maH wa'
ra'ghom bobcho' Columbia'e'.}
"The Apollo 11 Command Module, "Columbia," was the living quarters for
the three-person crew during most of the first manned lunar landing
mission in July 1969."


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