[tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand narrates audio tour for the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum

André Müller esperantist at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 19:05:13 PST 2016

Now I finally find the time to go through some old mails and add some new
canon sentences to my database. So don't be surprized that I'm pulling out
this old mail here...

So Felix's transcription is the one directly from the app, right?
Is there a way I can also get the English original texts so I can compare
and add the English translations for each of the sentences in my dictionary
software? Preferably without having to install the app?

Has it been posted somewhere?

Thanks in advance!
- André

2016-09-09 23:38 GMT+02:00 Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se>:

> Just saw QeS' transcript; this is great!
> I've copied and pasted it with corrections from the app:
> ==  Introductory section ==
> bImoDnIS'a'? Dujmey noyqu' neH Dalegh DaneH'a'?
> DaH Dochmey Daleghbe' DaneHbe'bogh DIDel.
> bISuchtaHvIS latlh Dochmey Daj Datu'bej.
> ----------
> == St. Louis toDuj ==
> 'orwI' ghaH Charles A. Lindbergh'e'.
> Ryan NYP [plane type] chu' 'oH muD Duj'e' 'ej "St. Louis toDuj" 'oH
> pongDaj'e'.
> 'orta', 'ej St. Louis pawta', ghIq New York pawta'.
> tera' jaj cha'maH, jar vagh, DIS wa' Hut cha' Soch, Paris pawmeH
> New York-vo' tlheDta'.
> wa'leS Le Bourget yotlhDaq Saqta'. rIQbe'.
> nIteb 'atlantIq bIQ'a' chIqbogh 'orwI' wa'DIch mojta'. Qapla'!
> [Notes: mu' chu' - {chIq}, likely meaning "traverse" or "cross".]
> ----------
> == Bell X-wa' Glennis 'IH ==
> tera' jaj wa'maH loS, jar wa'maH, DIS wa' Hut loS Soch, vuvDI'* Bell X-wa',
> DoDaj vItlh law' wab Do vItlh puS.
> Do patlhvam chavta'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch moj 'oH.
> X-wa' 'or SepjIjQa' muD beq Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager HoD.
> Do patlh vItlhqu' chavta'.
> qaStaHvIS wa' rep, vaghvatlh javmaH loS qelI'qam lenglaH,
> wabDo wa' vI' pagh jav.
> Yeager be'nal vanmeH, muD DujvaD "Glennis 'IH" pong Yeager.
> [Notes: The text says *puvDI'*, and that's also what I hear in the audio,
> but it is probably meant to be {puvDI'}.
> Both {wab Do} and {wabDo} are used. Perhaps {wabDo} is a unit, like Mach,
> and {wab Do} is the speed of sound?
> mu' chu': vItlh - as QeS says, this could mean "be high (in magnitude)"
> This text uses {van} as a verb similar to "tribute".
> The text treats 1 qelI'qam as being almost exactly 2 kilometers: According
> to the English version, the X-1 reached  a speed of 1127 km/h. This is
> referred to as 564 qelI'qam, whereas 1127/2 = 563,5.]
> ----------
> ==  'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev X-wa'maH vagh ==
> tera' DIS wa' Hut vagh Hut, bI'reS puv 'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev X-wa'maH
> vagh.
> muDDaq neH muD Dujmey vorgh lu'orlu',
> 'ach loghDaq puvlaH Dujmey 'orbogh nuv 'e' 'agh X-wa'maH vagh.
> wabDo loS, vagh, jav je lengta'
> 'ej 'IvDaj jen law' HutSaD Sochvatlh wejmaH 'uj'a'mey jen puS.
> Do patlhvam 'Iv patlhvam je chavta'bogh telmey ghajbogh muD Duj wa'DIch
> 'oH.
> wa'maH cha' X-wa'maH vagh 'orwI'pu' tu'lu'.
> chorgh 'orwI'pu'vaD logh lengwI' Deghmey lunoblu'.
> [Notes:
> Again, {wabDo} is used as one word to identify a Mach number.
> This article also gives us excellent confirmation for the length of one
> 'uj:
> Previous data suggests that an 'uj is almost exactly 34,84 cm long.
> According to the English version, the X-1 reached altitudes over 30 500
> meters, which is translated as more than 9730 'uj'a'mey.
> 34500 [m] / 9730 ['uj'a'] / 9 ['uj/'uj'a'] ≈ 34,8293 [cm/'uj
> If one 'uj is 34,81 cm or less, then a better approximation would have
> been 9740 'uj'a'mey (although since this is a "higher than" limit, it might
> be better to use 9730 anyway).
> If one 'uj' us 34,85 cm or more, then 9720 'uj'a'mey would have been a
> better approximation.]
> ----------
> == tera' DIS wa' Hut pagh wej Wright puvwI' ==
> qaStaHvIS loS tera' DISmey,
> puvmeH nguSDI' lo'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch luchenmoHmeH,
> QullI' 'ej 'oghlI' Wilbur Wright Orville Wright je.
> tera' DIS wa' Hut pagh wej Wright puvwI' 'oH muD Dujvam'e'.
> bI'reS nguSDI' Hutlhbogh wej muD Duj'a'mey motlh chenmoH loDnI'pu'
> 'ej waH.
> ghIq, tera' jaj wa'maH Soch, jar wa'maH cha', DIS wa' Hut pagh wej,
> Kitty Hawk, North Carolina-Daq puvta' nguSDI' lo'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch.
> Qapla'!
> muD Duj 'or Orville.
> qaStaHvIS leng wa'DIch,
> wa'maH cha' lup, wa'maH wa' vI' vagh 'uj'a'mey lengta'.
> [Notes:
> This measurement has quite low resolution for determining the length of
> one 'uj.
> The flyer flew about 36 meters. Using 34,83 [cm/'uj], we get that to
> 11,484 'uj'a', so 11,5 would be a good approximation. Howeer, it would also
> be a good approximation with 34,7 [cm/'uj] or 34,9 [cm/'uj], so this
> doesn't tell us much.]
> ----------
> == Apollo wa'maH wa' ra'ghom bobcho' Columbia ==
> tera' jar Soch, DIS wa' Hut jav Hut,
> maSDaq SaqmeH Qu' wa'DIch HochHom turlu'taHvIS,
> wej logh lengwI'pu' pa'mey 'oH Apollo wa'maH wa' ra'ghom bobcho'
> Columbia'e'.
> Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins je chaH.
> [Notes: mu' chu' - tur - translation uncertain]
> ________________________________________
> From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of
> Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se>
> Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 22:35
> To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
> Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand narrates audio tour for the
> Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
> So I was almost done writing up all the texts when I got another e-mail
> and started to read it.
> I had forgotten that my Outlook Web App does save drafts automatically or
> warn you about this.
> I'm gonna go bang my head against a wall and write this up tomorrow.
> ________________________________________
> From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of
> Lieven <levinius at gmx.de>
> Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 21:25
> To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
> Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand narrates audio tour for the
> Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
> I've listend to those phrase and maybe can solve some of your questions.
> It may help to have the english version to compare, by the way, but the
> doesn't work on my phone either :-(
> Am 09.09.2016 um 19:57 schrieb Rhona Fenwick:
> > [Introductory section:] bImoDnIS'a'? Dujmey noyqu' nIH? Dalegh
> > DaneH'a'? DaH Dochmey Daleghbe' DaneHbe'bogh DIDel. bISuchtaHvIS latlh
> > Dochmey Daj Datu'bej.
> I think it's the word neH, which explains why he says {Dochmey Daleghbe'
> DaneHbe'bogh}
> > cha'maH jar vagh DIS wa' Hut cha' Soch [HerSpa'meH?] New Yorkvo'
> > tlheDta'.
> perIS ("Paris") pawmeH New Yorkvo' tlheDta'.
> I think you skipped a paragraph:
> Mercury jup ghom Soch:
> bobcho'vamDaq tera' bavta'bogh 'amerIqa'ngan wa'DIch moj John H. Glenn,
> Jr. 'oHvaD «jup ghom Soch» pong ghaH. loghDaq lengmeH Humanpu' jInmol
> Mercury Qu' wejDIch 'oH Glenn leng'e'.
> tera' DIS wa' Hut jav wa' (1961) cha'logh loghDaq puvta' logh
> lengwI'pu', 'ach bavbe'. tera' jaj cha'maH, jar cha', DIS wa' Hut jav
> cha' (1962) wejlogh bavta' Glenn. Qapla'.
> QaplaHbe'DI' SeHwI' patqoq ruH[?]ta'
> 'orwI Hutlhchugh Duj puvlaHbe'lI'
> 'ach tera' cheghchoHDI' bIt Hoch.
> lI'Ha' Duj 'ej chaq QeyHa' tuj yoD 'e' Qub Qu' vu'wI' yaH.
> QeyHa'choHtaH tuj yoD 'e' botmeH cholHa'meH 'eDSeHcha baH Glenn 'e' ra'
> 'ach 'eDSeHcha DaH vurbe' ghaH 'e' ra' je.
> tera' cheghta' Glenn 'atlantIq bIQ'a'Daq tlhotta'.
> qaStaHvIS loS repmey vaghmaH vagh (55) tupmey cha'maH wej (23) lupmey
> taH lengDaj.
> I've added these to the Klingon language Wiki, if anyone likes to make
> any corrections:
> http://www.klingonwiki.net/En/GoFlight
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
> Grammarian of the KLI
> http://www.facebook.com/Klingonteacher
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