[tlhIngan Hol] Can I go around the SAO, this way ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 06:27:45 PDT 2016

ok, thanks !

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:22 PM, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2016, 12:03 mayqel qunenoS, <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, let me ask a trick question : Do you accept exclamations with no
>> overt subject ? For example :
>> teH ! wa'Hu' Ha'DIbaH vISopta'.
>> it is true ! yesterday I ate an animal.
> Those are two perfectly legal Klingon sentences.
>> Now, that you accepted the "exclamations with no overt subject", the
>> second question comes : Could I write the previous sentence as such ?
>> teH, wa'Hu' Ha'DIbaH vISopta'.
>> it is true, yesterday I ate an animal.
> You're just joining two sentences with a comma. But how we write Klingon in
> Latin script is just a convention, and has nothing to do with how Klingon is
> written "natively".
>> Do you accept this sentence ? If yes, then allow me to observe, that
>> we no longer have an "exclamation with no overt subject" ; instead we
>> have the sentence {teH} "it is true", which is followed by another
>> sentence {wa'Hu' Ha'DIbaH vISopta'} "yesterday I ate an animal". And
>> one could analyze this sentence as
>> "what is true ?"
>> "It is true that yesterday I ate an animal"
> The implicit subject of the first sentence is {ngoDvam} or some such.
>> So, if we accept the previous analysis, we finally come to the point
>> of this mail :
>> Consider this sentence :
>> HarDI' chaH mob chaH
>> when they believe they are alone
>> If someone showed me this a few days ago, I would only translate it as
>> "when their believing takes place, they are alone".
>> But can I use this sentence in order to express the meaning too "when
>> they believe (that) they are alone" ?
> No. And what's the relation with your previous example? Here, the second
> sentence is apparently the object of the first. They're not alike.
>> Why is the {mob chaH} necessary
>> to be considered as the outcome of the {HarDI' chaH} ? Why couldn't
>> someone analyze this sentence as :
>> "as soon as they believe what ?"
>> "(that) they are alone"
> Because that's not how Klingon grammar works?
> --
> De'vID
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