[tlhIngan Hol] matlh juppu' mu'mey, from HolQeD 8-3, pages 2-4

Lawrence M. Schoen klingonguy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 10:43:17 PDT 2016

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 1:28 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 6/22/2016 1:19 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> chaq SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH
> [Maybe I'd like to buy something from you.] PK
> Maybe the difference is insignificant, but I believe that in the
> strict sense of the rules, the {chaq} should be placed before the
> {vIneH}.
> Yep. Consider also *reH DIvI Duj vISuv vIneH** I've always wanted to
> fight a Federation ship* (ST5).
> My best guess is that the placement of adverbials is different for *neH*
> than for *'e'.*

To me, the translation given in PK is ambiguous, which is why I think
there's a different question here that needs to be considered.
Specifically, is {chaq} modifying the verb {je'} or the verb {neH}.

In my mind there's no question. The equivocation provided by {chaq} is all
about the buying and not about whether you want it or not.

A clearer translation than that found in PK might be:

[I'd like to maybe buy something from you.]

And of course, as we know Klingon doesn't bother with those useful tools of
sentence separation like commas, periods, and semi-colons. That said, I
suspect we can all agree that the final {vIneH} is its own sentence.

Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen :: author :: publisher :: psychologist :: hypnotist
:: klingonist
::: Campbell Award nominee :::: Hugo Award nominee :::: Nebula Award nominee
 www.lawrencemschoen.com ::: www.papergolem.com ::: www.hypnosis4writers.com
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