[tlhIngan Hol] Disturbing irregularities

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jun 22 06:43:35 PDT 2016

On 6/22/2016 9:18 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> De'vID:
>> Saying {jIH mayqel} is like saying "Me Tarzan".
>> It'll be understood, but it's not grammatical.
> thank you for replying ; however what you wrote, contradicts SuStel's
> input which is the following :
> SuStel :
>> A Klingon to-be sentence expresses the idea X = Y. 'elaDya'ngan jIH
>> me = Greek; mayqel jIH me = Michael. There is no a, an, or the in Klingon."
> if X=Y, then Y=X right ?

I did not intend to suggest that Klingon grammar can be manipulated by 
the rules of mathematics.
> furthermore, SuStel wrote..
> SuStel :
>> You should more or less ignore the ideas of subject and object with regard to to-be sentences.
> I can understand ignoring the ideas of subject and object with regard
> to to-be sentences ; but how placing the {mayqel} after the {jIH} is
> able to produce "me michael" ? Since in to-be sentences X=Y and vice
> versa, if {jIH mayqel} produces "me michael", then {mayqel jIH} must
> produce the same result too. right ?

I don't quite agree with De'vID's analogy of /me Tarzan./ Klingon's 
/normal/ mode of to-be sentences are like /me Tarzan./ *tlhIngan jIH* is 
the equivalent of saying /me Klingon./ The only difference is that the 
Klingon pronoun can take suffixes for added meaning. Saying *SuStel 'oH 
pongwIj'e'* is the equivalent of saying /SuStel me name./

Notice that I say /equivalent./ Do not try to copy the grammar of /me 
Tarzan/ into Klingon. It is only an illustration. Klingon's to-be 
sentence rules must simply be learned. They are what they are because 
they simply are.

When associating a noun with a pronoun, the noun comes first. It doesn't 
matter whether the noun is a common noun or a proper noun. *Human **jIH. 
SuStel jIH.*

When linking two nouns together, one noun is the "topic" or "subject" 
noun. This is the noun you're "starting" with. The other noun is the 
noun being introduced later. *Human **ghaH SuStel'e' */as for SuStel, he 
is a human./ Here, *SuStel* is the topic or subject; *Human* is the noun 
being introduced to associate with him. *yaHDajDaq ghaHtaH SuStel'e'* 
/as for SuStel, he is at his duty station./ *SuStel* is the topic or 
subject; *yaHDajDaq* is being used to associate with him.

*SoH 'Iv* and *'Iv SoH* appear in both forms because (a) Okrand probably 
forgot he did it one way, and (b) *'Iv* is a kind of pronoun too, so 
either word can satisfy the pronoun part of a to-be sentence.


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