[tlhIngan-Hol] Picard and the crystalline entity
Alan Anderson
qunchuy at alcaco.net
Mon Jun 6 10:59:53 PDT 2016
The last time I tried answering a post like this using Klingon only,
it led to serious confusion. While I will address the content in
Klingon, I'll give my linguistic comments in English.
2016-06-06 12:29 GMT-04:00 mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com>:
> wanI'vam luDel Hov leng puq poH veb muchmey ;
> HoS Dep tu'lu' 'ej Qobqu' HoS Depvam.
{HoS} means "strength". You probably want {qut} "crystal".
> je''eghmeH Hoch Qaw'taH.. Human,
> ghot, Ha'DIbaH je. Hoch !
tI lojmoHchu' je. juSpu'DI' Dep tIH, ratlh lam chIm.
> DaH, wam pIqarD HoDqoq ; HoHlaHDI', DuHvam lajQo' ! qatlh ?
> tlhIbba'mo'. pujba'mo'. 'umHa'ba'mo'.
Hub'eghnISbe'chugh, 'ej vay' Sop 'e' Hechbe'chugh, HoHnISbe'.
QumlaHlaw' Dep. vallaw'. chaq 'oHmo' ghojlu'.
> reH pIqarD wIparqu'. 'op ben, DaH.. reH !
For what group are you speaking? If you aren't plural, please don't
misuse the plural subject prefixes. Klingon doesn't have a formal
singular "we" like some languages do. It is confusing at best, and it
is presumptuous of you to act as if you are a chorus if you are not.
> SoQmey bIH laHDaj'e'. SoQmey neH. pagh latlh DuHmey ghaj.
urghwI' QujlaH.
'orwI' po' ghaH.
Qubchu'mo' vIt SamlaH.
tayqeq tIQ yajlaH.
tlhIngan cha'DIch gheSlaH.
jorwI' lInglaH.
pe'vIl mu'qaDmey bachlaH.
borgh buq'Ir Qaw'laH jay'.
latlh HIvje'Daq 'Iw HIq bIr yIqang.
> wIvup..
Davupba' SoH. vIHo' jIH. law'qu' laHDaj.
-- ghunchu'wI'
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