[tlhIngan Hol] The book of our good captain

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Jul 4 10:25:45 PDT 2016

On 7/4/2016 5:44 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> p.25 :
> "if {'Iv} and {nuq} can be pronouns, it follows that they may take
> suffixes in the same manner as pronouns, and we would conclude that
> the following examples are valid :
> {pongDaj nuqpu'}
> what was her name ?

I would only—possibly—accept this if you're asking what her name 
/completed/ being. Not something one asks very often. Krankor is 
confusing tense with aspect.

> {HoD 'Ivqanq}
> who is willing to be captain ?

This seems more reasonable. I'm still not sure I accept the idea that 
because the pronomial question words can be used verbally means they 
must be able to accept verb suffixes.

> {'IvvaD ghum chuS'ugh yItlhobQo'}
> ask not for whom the bell tolls.."

I am far more comfortable allowing noun suffixes on the pronomial 
question words. I see no problem with that at all.


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