[tlhIngan Hol] lawn mower

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 04:00:34 PDT 2016

On 27 July 2016 at 12:57, Lieven <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 27.07.2016 um 08:06 schrieb Rhona Fenwick:
>> The verb {chIp} does
>> not mean "cut hair, trim hair"; it means "cut, trim". [...]
> This discussion made me think about the words again, and I noticed the
> difference between cut and trim, at least in Klingon. Remember the phrase
> {qatlh pe''eghlu'}? It denotes the idea that {pe'} means cut, but does not
> always mean that something is cut in two pieces. (although we have the
> pe'meH taj, which can separate things). The other word chIp has the addition
> "hair" as an example that you do separate something.
> BTW, listen to the sound of scissors cutting hair: "chip-chip"  :-)

But OTOH the canonical word for "scissors" is {cha''etlh pe'wI'}.


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