[tlhIngan Hol] Who shall call them from the twilight ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Dec 13 17:52:43 PST 2016

On 12/13/2016 1:14 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> two questions:
> jIH:
> > Daqvam chImDaq yInlaH mangghoH
> > Sar nuq
> is this correct for "what kind of army lives at this deserted place" ?

No. Unknown whether you can use *nuq* or *'Iv* as part of a noun-noun 

*Daqvam chIm Dabbogh mangghom Sar'e' yIngu'
*/identify the army-variety that inhabits this deserted place!/

> jIH:
> > loDvaD lay'ta'bogh chaH
> is this correct for "the man for whom they swore" ?

No. This is a variation of the old "ship in which I fled" problem 
<http://higbee.cots.net/Holtej/klingon/faq.htm>. Short version: only the 
subject or object of a relative clause can be the head noun of the clause.


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