[tlhIngan Hol] {'e'} after a {-mo'} clause

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Dec 20 08:39:08 PST 2016

On 12/20/2016 11:30 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> assume I want to say:
> "soon our ship will be destroyed; because of you I know it".
> so I write: {tugh Dujmaj Qaw'lu'. SoHmo' 'e' vISov}. Is this correct ?
> or the {'e'} instead of referring to the {tugh Dujmaj Qaw'lu'}, will
> be referring to the {SoHmo'} ?

*SoHmo'* can mean two different things: /because of you/, or /because 
you are./ But *SoHmo'* is not a sentence all by itself, and there are no 
nouns for a copula, so the *'e'* can't be referring to it. Therefore the 
*'e'* must be referring to *tugh Dujmaj Qaw'lu'* and *SoHmo'* is a 
cause-phrase attached to the front of the sentence *'e' vISov.*


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