[tlhIngan Hol] paq'batlh mu'tlhegh

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 14:51:20 PST 2016

On Dec 17, 2016 09:24, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> {naDev jIHtaHbogh} is a noun.

I can't understand how this could be correct as a {-bogh}ed noun.

I know we can say {paq qanobta'bogh} for "the book which I gave you". but
here the {paq} is the object of {nob}.

On the {naDev jIHtaHbogh} is the {naDev} an object ? and if yes, the object
of what verb ? the object of {jIH} ? I can understand the {jIH} taking an
object in the context of {SuvwI' jIH}. but then, the {naDev jIHtaH} would
mean "I am here" not in the sense "I am present here", but in the sense "I
am the here".

The SkyBox {Qo'noS} card has the following sentence:
{pa’ ’oH­taH vaS­’a’ ’e’.}
"This is where the Klingon Great Hall is located"

That no more means "the Great Hall is 'the there'" than {naDev jIHtaH}
means "I am 'the here'."

The suffix {-taH} indicates an ongoing activity, and "being at a location"
is apparently considered a type of ongoing activity.

See also KGT p.25:
{tera'ngan ghaH qama''e'} "The prisoner is a Terran"
{bIghHa'Daq ghaHtaH qama''e'} "The prisoner is in the prison"

Even though that sentence has a {-Daq}ed noun, the structure is essentially
the same. {bIghHa'Daq ghaHtaH} means "he/she is in prison", and {naDev
ghaHtaH} means "he/she is here".

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