[tlhIngan Hol] paq'batlh mu'tlhegh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sat Dec 17 12:31:11 PST 2016

On 12/17/2016 1:40 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> ok, I read it; {jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'}.
> however based on what I know, I can't analyze it. "here which I am 
> being I don't know it". shouldn't the {naDev} always come first ? and 
> what is its role in that sentence ? is it the subject of the 
> {jIHtaHbogh}, the object of {vISovbe'}, or both ?
> as I wrote earlier in this thread, I am obviously missing something 
> here, and by the looks of it, it must be something pretty important..

I've never heard a satisfactory analysis of the sentence either. But 
Okrand obviously has one to use the *jIHtaHbogh* word more than once.


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