[tlhIngan Hol] ghorgh and nuqDaq next to nouns

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Fri Dec 16 04:21:04 PST 2016

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:24 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> to continue on something which I asked yesterday..
> we said that we can't have {'Iv} and {nuq} as part of noun-noun

We can't? I thought {nuq} and {'Iv} just go into whatever noun spot
contains the missing information. Where is the rule that they can't be part
of a noun-noun construction, I must have missed it?

I would have expected the following to be grammatical:

{tIn 'Iv Duj} - Who's ship is big?
{Hab SoSwI' nuq} - My mother's what is smooth?

> constructions. but can we have the {ghorgh} and {nuqDaq} existing next
> to nouns ?
> for example can we say:
> {ghorgh DaSjaj mamej}
> when do we depart on monday ?
> {DaSjaj ghorgh mamej}
> on monday when do we depart

I would put {ghorgh} first (same with {chay'} and {qatlh}), so the listener
knows right away that it's a question, although as with a lot of the
chuvmey, they just "occur at the beginning of the sentence", and the
specific order is down to personal preference most of the time.

> {nuqDaq tera'Daq mIl'oDmey tu'lu'}
> where on earth someone finds bears ?
> {tera'Daq nuqDaq mIl'oDmey tu'lu'}
> on earth where someone finds bears ?

Since {nuqDaq} is a locative phrase just like {tera'Daq}, they can go
either way around, although I'd put it in the spot where's I'd expect the
answer to be:

tera'Daq nuqDaq mIl'oDmey tu'lu'? tera'Daq HuDaq mIl'oDmey tu'lu'.

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