[tlhIngan Hol] Is the {telDaq wovmoHwI'} legal ?

Brent Kesler brent.of.all.people at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 06:53:04 PST 2016

Here are the important things new students need to know about phrases like
{telDaq wovmoHwI'}:

1. They occur in canon.
2. They always seem to happen in titles and labels.
3. People on this list keep proposing rules to fit MO's usage with what's
written in TKD, but none have been widely accepted.
3. Everyone agrees they CANNOT be used as a the subject of a sentence.
*{cheghta' mIvDaq vIghro'} is WRONG.
4. They cause a lot of controversy on this list, so it's best to avoid
using them yourself. Stick to sentences that fit the rule in TKD.


On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 12:45 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 12/4/2016 12:18 PM, Alan Anderson wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 11:50 AM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> But then it really behooves you to explain why Okrand didn't just go with *tel
>> wovmoHwI'.*
> {tel wovmoHwI'} would sound like it was brightening the wing. That's not
> what wing lights do. There are hull spotlights on the Enterprise (see
> http://showcase.netins.net/web/marc111creations/PL_
> Enterprise_Refit_WIP_1_files/themotionpicture394.jpg ), but not on a Bird
> of Prey.
> *Wing-location lights* sounds like they're brightening the wing's
> location. What are wing-location lights? I don't have the poster and I can
> find no high-resolution images. Are they navigation lights?
> The possibilities here include: Okrand was thinking *lights on the wings*
> and put a type 5 suffix on the first noun, forgetting or ignoring the rule;
> or Okrand was thinking *wing-location lights,* which I still don't
> understand.
> Let's suppose you have a pistol with lights on it. You want to label them.
> The word for *pistol* is *HIch.* The word for *light* is *wovmoHwI'.* So *pistol
> lights* is *HIch wovmoHwI'.* It doesn't mean lights that illuminate a
> pistol; it's not *(HIch wovmoH)wI'.* But you might want to avoid that
> ambiguity, so you think, *lights ON a pistol,* and this leads you
> to—incorrectly—say **HIchDaq wovmoHwI'.*
> I'm not saying this is unquestionably what Okrand did. But this particular
> error happens a lot with students of the language, and Okrand is quite
> capable of making the same mistake for the same reason.
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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