[tlhIngan Hol] Each
Felix Malmenbeck
felixm at kth.se
Thu Dec 1 09:00:27 PST 2016
There is the not fully understood word {ngIq}, which appears to function as "each" or "one by one" in most contexts.
Canonical examples:
== paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 12, Stanza 8 ==
yerchajvo' Haw'
ngIq nuv luHoH
molor vaghvatlh
molor vaghvatlh
molor vaghvatlh
The people of Qam-Chee,
They fled their territory,
And were killed one by one.
By the five hundred of Molor,
By the five hundred of Molor,
By the five hundred of Molor,
== paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 13, Stanza 9 ==
nIteb chegh molor ngIq ghoqwI’
joqwI’’e’ cha’bogh qeylIS
luDel ‘e’ ra’ molor
One by one Molor's scouts return,
He asks them which banner
Kahless marches under
== paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 23, Stanza 12 ==
ngIq tonSaw’ lo’ ‘ej tIqDu’ lel
ngIq tonSaw’ lo’ ‘ej quvqa’
ngIq tonSaw’ lo’ ‘ej rIn may’
In one single move, he removed the hearts,
In one single move, he restored his honor,
In one single move, the battle was done.
== paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 23, Stanza 15 ==
ngIq tonSaw’ lo’
SaD law’ San chenmoH qeylIS
wej boghbogh nuvpu’ San chenmoH
In one single move,
Kahless decided the fate
Of thousands, and those to come.
(As you can see, these past two examples don´t quite fit in with the rest, seeming to me "single one", rather than "each".)
== Klingon Monopoly cards ==
{ngIq raQ - 150 QaS}
"outposts cost 150 each"
{ngIq raQvaD cha'maH vagh QaS yInob.}
"For each outpost pay 25 forces."
{ngIq gholvo' wa'maH QaS yItlhap.}
"Collect 10 forces from every player."
From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of Anthony Appleyard <a.appleyard at btinternet.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 17:36
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: [tlhIngan Hol] Each
What is the Klingon for "each" as distinct from "all" or "every" and such? I get the impression that English "each" is a singular which is to be taken as meaning one, then another, then another, and so on, of a stated group, like a computer language statement that means "for j = 1, 2, 3, etc, to n repeat/iterate the following statements".
"Tthe men had a phaser" could mean that the whole group had one phaser between them.
"The men had phasers" could mean that some of thee group had phasers.
"Each man in the group had a phaser" would mean and be shorthand for:"John had a phaser; Peter had a phaser; Baz had a phaser; Steve had a phaser; ....etc...." iterated across the whole group.
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