[tlhIngan Hol] How difficult is Klingon ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 00:49:07 PDT 2016

thank you all for replying ; my opinion on this subject is a big "it
depends". let me explain..

if someone:

1. really wants to learn
2. has the discipline to sit down, in order to get the job done
3. has help from experts

then my rating would be:

grammar 40/100
vocabulary 50/100
pronunciation I really can't decide
writting klingon 40/100
real time speaking 70/100

however I believe, that the only way for someone to learn klingon is to
have help from experts.

the ONLY reason I managed to learn in a few months is because I had help
from the experts of this list, who are the best klingonists in the world.
(and I'm not saying this in order to flatter someone ; I'm saying it
because it's the truth).

however, if someone tries to learn on his own, then I truly believe that
the difficulty he will encounter will be tremendous, let alone the fact,
that in the end he will learn everything wrong.

finally, on the question: "how difficult was klingon for YOU", then I will
say 70%. And I will give this relatively high rating because in order to
learn the basics (I still have a lot to learn), I have been working for 10
months so far, approximately 2 hours a day.

but it was without a doubt, totally and definitely
worth it !

Sent from my goat phone

On 15 Aug 2016 1:14 a.m., "Ed Bailey" <bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a relative newcomer, but what André said sums up my experience, except
> that because the vocabulary is composed mainly of monosyllables with a
> super simple CVC(C) structure, it's harder for me to retain. Maybe it's
> because there are far fewer error checking mechanisms in a vocabulary that
> includes a high percentage of all possible monosyllables. I seem to have a
> touch of dyslexia, too, so I frequently mix up words like QaH and QeH, or
> generate spoonerisms like *{Hor Sap}.
> I'm finding that spending more time reading is helping. I'm now reading
> nuq bop bom and my reading has become more fluent since I started. Also,
> it's a good read!
> ~mIp'av
> On Sunday, August 14, 2016, André Müller <esperantist at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree with ghunchu'wI', but would maybe rate it a little higher. Maybe
> 20.
> >
> > As a linguist I off course have to tell you that languages cannot be
> classified into difficult and easy, because it's all relative and depends a
> great deal on your native tongue. I'm sitting in a chair here, of course.
> >
> > That being said, judging it from the perspective of a speaker of a
> typical European Indo-European language like English, German, Polish,
> Dutch, Swedish, Greek, etc., Klingon had some difficulties: the vocabulary
> is almost entirely new and there are no related similar languages, many of
> the sounds are quite difficult for Europeans to pronounce, the grammatical
> structures are not familiar, the way of expressing things is also different
> and in most cases doesn't seem like people on Europe would say things
> (rather than translating, you often have to reinterpret your thoughts). You
> also have to get used to rephrasing and coming up with creative ways to say
> the things you want, because of the comparatively simple structures and
> there small vocabulary.
> >
> > But these are all write basic things that can be learned within a
> relatively short time – you're the best example. What makes Klingon easy
> then? The very few rules: there are really not that many, and they usually
> don't have exceptions either. Most verbs and nouns behave the same. The
> syllable structure CVC(C) is super simple, and you could actually learn all
> the words in this language. And let's be honest: although it might be
> exotic, the grammar doesn't have much where you would say "Wow, this really
> is difficult and complicated." – the prefixes take quite some effort,
> sentences with {-moH} and {-lu'} are a bit tricky and often cause confusion
> or disagreement. But the rest, nah, not too hard, I think. The biggest
> advantage though, probably is that it's "finite" in a way: you can really
> learn it all. All words, all rules, plus s good knowledge of canon to get a
> good feeling for the language and some practice and you're an expert
> already.
> >
> > So I would put it at around 20. Some (including invented) languages are
> easier for speakers of (related) languages, but most would be way more
> difficult.
> >
> > Just my 2 Darseks.
> > - André
> >
> > On 14 Aug 2016 21:10, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> I want to ask you this:
> >>
> >> How difficult do you think Klingon actually is ?
> >>
> >> On a scale of 1-100 (1 being ridiculously easy and 100 difficult as
> hell), how would you rate it ?
> >>
> >> qunnoq
> >> Sent from my goat phone
> >>
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