[tlhIngan Hol] How difficult is Klingon ?

Ed Bailey bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 15:14:08 PDT 2016

I'm a relative newcomer, but what André said sums up my experience, except
that because the vocabulary is composed mainly of monosyllables with a
super simple CVC(C) structure, it's harder for me to retain. Maybe it's
because there are far fewer error checking mechanisms in a vocabulary that
includes a high percentage of all possible monosyllables. I seem to have a
touch of dyslexia, too, so I frequently mix up words like QaH and QeH, or
generate spoonerisms like *{Hor Sap}.

I'm finding that spending more time reading is helping. I'm now reading nuq
bop bom and my reading has become more fluent since I started. Also, it's a
good read!


On Sunday, August 14, 2016, André Müller <esperantist at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with ghunchu'wI', but would maybe rate it a little higher. Maybe
> As a linguist I off course have to tell you that languages cannot be
classified into difficult and easy, because it's all relative and depends a
great deal on your native tongue. I'm sitting in a chair here, of course.
> That being said, judging it from the perspective of a speaker of a
typical European Indo-European language like English, German, Polish,
Dutch, Swedish, Greek, etc., Klingon had some difficulties: the vocabulary
is almost entirely new and there are no related similar languages, many of
the sounds are quite difficult for Europeans to pronounce, the grammatical
structures are not familiar, the way of expressing things is also different
and in most cases doesn't seem like people on Europe would say things
(rather than translating, you often have to reinterpret your thoughts). You
also have to get used to rephrasing and coming up with creative ways to say
the things you want, because of the comparatively simple structures and
there small vocabulary.
> But these are all write basic things that can be learned within a
relatively short time – you're the best example. What makes Klingon easy
then? The very few rules: there are really not that many, and they usually
don't have exceptions either. Most verbs and nouns behave the same. The
syllable structure CVC(C) is super simple, and you could actually learn all
the words in this language. And let's be honest: although it might be
exotic, the grammar doesn't have much where you would say "Wow, this really
is difficult and complicated." – the prefixes take quite some effort,
sentences with {-moH} and {-lu'} are a bit tricky and often cause confusion
or disagreement. But the rest, nah, not too hard, I think. The biggest
advantage though, probably is that it's "finite" in a way: you can really
learn it all. All words, all rules, plus s good knowledge of canon to get a
good feeling for the language and some practice and you're an expert
> So I would put it at around 20. Some (including invented) languages are
easier for speakers of (related) languages, but most would be way more
> Just my 2 Darseks.
> - André
> On 14 Aug 2016 21:10, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I want to ask you this:
>> How difficult do you think Klingon actually is ?
>> On a scale of 1-100 (1 being ridiculously easy and 100 difficult as
hell), how would you rate it ?
>> qunnoq
>> Sent from my goat phone
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